The Best Furniture for High Turnover Rentals

As a landlord, if your rental properties have frequent tenant changes, you should assess the condition of the furniture between tenancies to ensure it’s still up to scratch.

While there are no rules set in stone when it comes to the frequency of replacing landlord furniture, common sense dictates it’s sensible to check for wear and tear when a property is empty.

Image of bed package.

You may also be wondering why your buy-to-let homes have a high turnover of tenants. Perhaps the standard of furnishings is at least partly to blame, as research reveals 59% of renters cite unsatisfactory furniture as a reason why they don’t like where they live.


Why is landlord furniture so important?

A survey published by Housing Management and Maintenance suggests furniture is one of the biggest causes of dissatisfaction among UK renters when looking for a new property. The reasons for feeling negative about a house or flat include furnishings that look “dated, cheap and unhygienic”.

A furnished rental home is the preferred choice of around half of all UK tenants, but the figure rises to 80% in London, due to saving money and less hassle when moving. However, people won’t put up with poor quality furniture.

Two thirds of UK tenants say they’re prepared to pay more for a well-furnished rental home, with 26% citing “poor quality” furniture as an issue and 23% disliking “old and dated” furniture. The third biggest complaint is furniture that looks “dirty”, with one-in-five renters saying they have been deterred by soft furnishings that appear “unhygienic”.

Once they’ve signed up for a tenancy, many tenants say they’ve had to complain about furniture in disrepair, or that’s uncomfortable due to wear and tear. The biggest single cause of landlord/tenant disputes is the state of the interior of the property, which accounts for 38% of all complaints.

Modern tenants want a comfortable furnished property with clean, aesthetically pleasing furniture. Some notice shortfalls at the viewing stage and this deters them from signing up for the property, while others start to notice faults once they’ve moved in and may look for somewhere else to live if issues aren’t resolved promptly.

A survey of 18 to 64-year-old tenants in the UK found 37% liked to socialise, but felt the standard of their furniture prevented them from inviting friends round, according to a poll by Hatch Interiors.


Furniture for high-turnover rentals

As a landlord, bespoke furniture for landlords can make all the difference to whether you’ll attract and keep tenants. If you own high turnover rentals or you own one buy-to-let property, or a whole portfolio, it could be time to improve the interiors with modern landlord furniture solutions, featuring durable items that aren’t going to wear out quickly.

Should you need to generally refurbish your properties, or provide a smaller number of specific replacement items, furniture packages can help save you money and time.

As a landlord, you’re legally required to provide furniture that meets fire safety standards and can be used for its intended purpose without causing any risks to the tenant wellbeing. If the furniture looks shoddy due to wear and tear, or breaks as a result of age-related deterioration, it’s your responsibility to replace it.

Don’t fall victim to the false economy of buying poor quality furniture because it’s cheap, as this won’t break the cycle of high turnover rentals. You may also attract a higher calibre of tenants if you provide better quality, modern furniture.

A survey published in January 2024 by Property 118 asked tenants and landlords what their priorities were when renting properties. Tenants said having comfortable and stylish furniture was something they looked out for, particularly those living in the London area.

Landlords agreed that when their property was vacant, having stylish furniture made it easier to attract new tenants: even a spacious and airy room could be ruined by worn furniture that spoiled the ambience of the property.


What items are most important?

Landlords should prioritise specific items including sofas, dining sets and bedroom packages, which should be the main focus due to having the most usage and wear in rental properties.

Maximise the lifespan of furniture through regular maintenance, using protective covers on items such as sofas, armchairs and mattresses and applying protective finishes to wooden dining tables, cupboards and wardrobes.

High turnover properties need furniture that can cater to various tastes, while being practical for everyday use. It’s better to provide items with a timeless design that will appeal to a wide section of people, rather than trending styles that might attract only a small percentage of tenants.

As well as greater tenant satisfaction and retention, stylish and high-quality furniture can also increase the likelihood of former tenants giving your business positive online reviews, which can only enhance your reputation as a landlord!

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